Last Updated
Friday, March 28, 2025
Promoting anything and everything about Crown Green Bowls in our area. If anyone has any information, news, views, announcements, requests, results, draws or anything that other bowlers might be interested in then let us know by emailing us at |
Getting started in
Crown Green Bowls

Free Guide To Crown Green Bowls.
Request one HERE
Beginner Sessions 2025
Woodley Sports
Lambeth Grove, Woodley, SK6 1QX Saturday mornings 10am to Noon
Contact Clint Crowther on
07505 359353 or email
** Starts TBA **
Great Moor Social Club
Store Street, Stockport
Sessions every Saturday
from 10am.
Contact Geoff Shaw on
07969 526703 for more info.
Website created and maintained by
Pete Conway |
Important Announcement
After 20+ years and nearly 4 Million different page views, this will be the final season for the website. The reason for this is twofold.
Firstly, the way people use the internet has changed over time, with much more reliance now on the social media options, particularly Facebook, which has diminished the importance of websites like stockportbowls.
Secondly, the costs of keeping the website going have increased dramatically over the last couple of years and now costs in excess of £200 a year, which I've always funded personally.
I suspect as well that the website now is predominantly used as a jump off site to the other individual league websites that other people or groups manage, using the website links on the right hand side. With this in mind, I've created a page on the Longdendale BowlsNet website that I also administer. This replicates all of the links to the other local leagues. So just go to the Longdendale website via BowlsNet, click on 'Web Page' in the top left, then 'Links' and all of the links to other league sites are there.
There are some technical upgrades that the hosting company are carrying out in the next couple of months which might mean the current website is technically incompatible and it might go offline then anyway. Hopefully it wont and it will survive until the planned end, which will be after this season has completed.
For me it's the end of an era, but times have changed. I hope that people have found the website useful over the years and if it's encouraged new people into the game, promoted the sport we all love or helped people find the information they needed, then it's served it's purpose and I can retire it a happy man.
Best of luck for the new season, and thanks for visiting.
Woodley Spring Classic update.
This competition is now a qualifer for the Champion of Champions at Owley Wood.
Spaces available for 30th March, 6th and 13th of April.
Final day 27th April. £25 to enter, to Angela Norbury 07539945202 or email
Woodley Spring Classic 2025
Qualifying dates are 30th March, 6th,13th and 20th April
Final day 27th April
All dates are 10.30 practice and 11.00 start
4 travelling together will be kept apart
No changing of dates after 1st March
Losing qualifiers will get their money back
£25 Entry fee
Cheque payable to Woodley Sports bowling club or pay by bank transfer
Entries to Angela Norbury 07539 945202